A World Discovered

A World Discovered
Things that I discover...in my world.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Running after children

So yesterday I was watching 2 little ones for a friend! I had 3 that were under the age of 3 1/2 and I'm still having to teach Isabella to share her stuff. She would keep telling me that what ever the toy was that Levi had was hers. I would tell her that yes it is her that Levi is just playing with it for now. We smooth all that out for a little while and I took the kids outside to play. It was such a beautiful day yesterday!!! While they played I walked around the yard to get some type of exercise done. After they went home I manage to take about a 45 min nap, then off to get the boys.

Jim and I invited Ann, from Grainger, over for dinner. I made hot wings and rice, I forgot to take a picture of that. I was wonderful! It is one of the family favorites so I will be making it again in the near future and will take a picture of it then. We had gotten on the subject of dessert and what I made for the kids class room for valentines day and Luke & Donaven when and got their brownie hearts out of their bags and gave then to Ann! They all took to Ann very quickly! This morning the first thing Isabella asked was were was Mrs. Ann!
So far today I have talked to Stephania about the things we are going to do for Mrs. Collins, Donavens teacher. And of course i'm liking the idea and i'm going to do it for Mrs. Aulds, Lukes teacher, class also. We are going to get some card stock and have each child right something on the card about their teacher. Then we are going to gather up all the cards and make a little book. We are thinking about giving it to them as an end of the year gift!! Isabella and I did manage to go walk around the neighborhood, that was funny. The rest of the day I will be trying to stay awake so that I can get my Psychsim worksheet done, and a post done that is due by midnight tonight. (I probably shouldn't be blogging right now). Then I have a test and I have to write a summery of 4 books of the Old Testament by Sunday at midnight. I have a busy rest of the week. I suppose this is enough blogging and I shall begin my homework!!!!

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