A World Discovered

A World Discovered
Things that I discover...in my world.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Catching up

I has been along time since I have posted on here. There has been lots of stuff going on over here. We went through a round of the kids being sick, then I was sick. I believe as soon and the first section of my semester started is when I stopped posting. I have two class during the first part and I really keeps me busy. I did good in my classes even with having to finish my last week in Jamaica. Let me tell you, that was not fun at all. It was hard not to just push my work aside and go lounge out at the pool. Yes we got to go to Jamaica!!!! It was awesome. We went with several people from Grainger from all over. Jim and I went out on a catamaran and went snorkeling, then the next day we went on a shopping tour and that evening they took us out to a plantation, then we went horse back riding. The horse back riding was awesome. We went through the forest and then they switch horse and took us all the way out in the water. The horses were swimming off and on. Grainger treated everyone to some wonderful dinners. We were there for a week and I enjoyed every bit of it! So then once we were back to the real world we jumped right back on to the crazy road. Baseball started up for the boys and Isabella is still in dance. Luke was having to practice 4 days a week and Donaven was practicing 3 days a week. Now the practices have just about stopped and the games have begun. Luke has had 2 games and they won both! Yay! Go Luke. Donaven has had 2 also and they won their first one. They are playing great. Go Donaven! After Donaven's first game on Thursday he had won the game ball and was so excited that he continue to practice hitting it at home. He let Luke have a turn and Donaven ended up getting hit in the nose with the bat. His nose was swollen bad, it has now turned in to a black eye and some bruise color on his nose. So I think I am caught up now and hopefully can continue to blog more often. It might just be a once a week thing, unless I cook something new and want to share it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Playing Catch up!!

I have gotten a little behind on my posts. I was extremely behind on my school work, so I spent most of my time and weekend getting it all done by last Sunday. So now I'm going to play catch up and I have some pictures. Anytime I get a chance to snap a picture of what ever I am doing I will. I love to take pictures. So one day last week (I don't remember the day) we finally got our passports in! YAY We were worried there there might be trouble with mine! I'm glad that they finally came since we leave in 2 weeks. Of course I had to snap a picture!!

So on Monday I went to Shreveport to go visit my Grandma and spend some time with her. A couple of days before then I finally finished Angela blanket, so before I headed over to see my grandma I stopped over at Angela's work to surprise her with the blanket. I felt great to finish another blanket and give it to someone special!! My Grandma was not feeling good so I went over to my moms and stayed for a while. It was a nice get away!! My Grandma called to let us know that she was up and we headed over to see her. We had a great visit and my Grandma gave me one of her plant books that she said she splurged and got for herself a while back. I left with a ton of Gardening stuff in the back of my car and made it back home after 7.

Now to back track farther, I was at wal-mart Friday doing my grocery shopping and while I was checking out, Mrs. Collins (Donavens teacher) called me to see if I was still going to be able to do the speckle books. I felt so bad, I completely forgot. I ran home and unloaded groceries and headed to the school. A few parents help out and each Friday and get the classes speckle books ready for the next week and get the homework sheets in the test folders.
Jennifer came into town on Friday and was going to through a Passion Party at her moms house on Saturday. More or less to get to visit with everyone. So Saturday after I spent 4 hours writing my Old Testament summaries and completing my Bible study guide I then cooked dinner for Jim and the kids before I left. I made Beef & Vegi meatballs and rice. Oh my goodness the meatballs were awesome!! I will be making it again. I left and went out to Jennifer's moms house and then the Party started. We had so much fun and Jennifer also made a Bellini Cocktail and it was so good.
Now I'm closer to being on track. Yesterday (Tuesday) starts the Teacher Appreciation Week and at lunch time I took Luke's class to lunch so his teacher could go enjoy a lunch in the lounge. I was only there for just about 45 mins but it was pretty neat to take them. Friday I will take Donavens class. So for today I plan on getting some studying done, at least whatever Isabella lets me get done. lol That's all for now!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Running after children

So yesterday I was watching 2 little ones for a friend! I had 3 that were under the age of 3 1/2 and I'm still having to teach Isabella to share her stuff. She would keep telling me that what ever the toy was that Levi had was hers. I would tell her that yes it is her that Levi is just playing with it for now. We smooth all that out for a little while and I took the kids outside to play. It was such a beautiful day yesterday!!! While they played I walked around the yard to get some type of exercise done. After they went home I manage to take about a 45 min nap, then off to get the boys.

Jim and I invited Ann, from Grainger, over for dinner. I made hot wings and rice, I forgot to take a picture of that. I was wonderful! It is one of the family favorites so I will be making it again in the near future and will take a picture of it then. We had gotten on the subject of dessert and what I made for the kids class room for valentines day and Luke & Donaven when and got their brownie hearts out of their bags and gave then to Ann! They all took to Ann very quickly! This morning the first thing Isabella asked was were was Mrs. Ann!
So far today I have talked to Stephania about the things we are going to do for Mrs. Collins, Donavens teacher. And of course i'm liking the idea and i'm going to do it for Mrs. Aulds, Lukes teacher, class also. We are going to get some card stock and have each child right something on the card about their teacher. Then we are going to gather up all the cards and make a little book. We are thinking about giving it to them as an end of the year gift!! Isabella and I did manage to go walk around the neighborhood, that was funny. The rest of the day I will be trying to stay awake so that I can get my Psychsim worksheet done, and a post done that is due by midnight tonight. (I probably shouldn't be blogging right now). Then I have a test and I have to write a summery of 4 books of the Old Testament by Sunday at midnight. I have a busy rest of the week. I suppose this is enough blogging and I shall begin my homework!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

It has been a wonderful day today. We woke up to our children telling us Happy Valentines Day! I had a very busy day, I actually was wide awake and full of energy!! Which is not very often. :) I got almost all of my laundry done, unfortunately the jeans are still in the dryer. I finally got all of my floors vacuumed and mopped, then it was time to hit the boys room. Oh my goodness!!! I have been trying to get them to clean (I mean really clean) their room. It just was not happening and their room was stinky. EMBARRASSING!!! I threw out alot of broken toys, trash, & more. I also filled 2 bag of toys that still function to be given away. And then I vacuumed their room and heavy mopped!! It smells better and looks alot better. I told them that b/c cleaning their room is part of their chore everyday that by the next morning after I dropped them off at school, I would go collect what every was not put away and take it. As long as I stick with it I think it could work!!! So after I picked them up from school and got homework finished I started working on dinner and I had a new recipe I found, that I have never attempted to test out before. It turned out very good and everyone gobbled it up. The recipe is called Peanut noddle with shredded chicken and vegetables.

When my husband made it home from work, he walked in and surprised me with these beautiful flowers that will grow back every year! How awesome is that. He even found a card for me and hes not much on a card giver.. It was one of those singing ones and it sang "My Girl". I have such a wonderful husband!!!


So last night after taking my psychology test I sat down to finally relax and watch a movie. I had recorded Julie and Julia on DVR so I could finally watch it. I really enjoyed how it showed the excite meant for putting thing in a blog and of course the cooking!!! I decided it was time to start my blog back up and post thing going on and included pictures and info about the new recipes I cook. Now it won't be like the movie of course, there's no way I could give myself a dead line with the amount of recipes she had made. I do always look for new things from the Internet and my cookbooks that I have never tried before. The challenge will be trying to stay on top of it! School and the family do keep me busy, but I think I will do pretty good.
Last night I also finished making my kids brownie valentine hearts for their class. After 3 batches of brownies I was finally down. They turned out very cute though so it was worth it!!